Professional brand book creation

Разработка и реализация рекламных кампаний в сети интернет

Logo creation


It’s hard to believe, but the world’s oldest logo is over 650 years old. It belongs to the legendary Belgian brewery Stella Artois. It is the most vivid example of professional corporate style development.

It is a great reference point for the DMark digital marketing agency and hopefully, one of our brand books will also pass through the centuries.

Creating a brand book (branding): what tasks does it solve and what does it include?

Professional creation of a brand book

The goal of corporate style development is to create the image of an entity, and by creating a brand book, you solve various practical issues. First of all, you will:

First of all, they concern:

  • Successfully implement the marketing strategy and increase the brand recognition in the market – the brand book will help promote your company online and create interior and exterior signs, products with corporate symbols, and attributes for photo and video shooting, etc.
  • Establish effective communication within your team and externally, e.g., the brand book will help HR managers position the company as a serious employer, and the PR team will establish communication between the company and the audience through external channels.

Our agency provides branding services as a package or a separate service – creating a logo (a new or improving an existing one), brand character, icons, names, slogans, flyers, business cards, advertising cards, presentations, etc.

Branding procedure well-tried by DMark professionals

  • Brand briefing and understanding – Before ordering the brand book, you will provide your company details. At this stage, we will discuss your brand’s objectives and values and agree on the work plan and the brand book price. Price range from 5,000 UAH to 30,000 UAH.
  • Brand book development, visualization, and design – We will work out the (corporate) identity visual elements in detail, offer several options for the brand book structure, and create the project’s ideological part – from determining the company’s mission to describing its corporate culture.
  • Review and clarification – Creating the brand book is dynamic, so we always stay in touch with the client to discuss and adjust previously proposed concepts.
  • The brand book final version – We make final edits, create the layout, and send the document with a set of necessary source files to the client.

If you have a limited advertising budget or the price of developing a brand book does not meet your expectations, we recommend starting with the most necessary action – creating a custom logo.

The Chinese sage Lao Tzu once said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” so let’s take this step together.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can a company do without a brand book?

The brand book is a prerequisite for the success of any business, even a small one. This is one of the company’s key documents. We recommend this book to businesses operating in the B2B, B2C, and B2G sectors, especially if you plan to scale with a franchise, you are a commodity brand or have an extensive business structure.

What is the difference between a brand book and a corporate style?

In short, the corporate style is one of the brand book’s components. The corporate style is the company’s visual image (a set of colors, a style of materials, and graphic signs), while the brand book is the guide to implementing and operating the corporate style.

What does the brand book consist of?

Commonly, the company book includes the brand platform, logo, corporate style, documentation requirements, merch, advertising materials, interior and exterior design, and electronic communication tools. We always agree on the final list of components with the customer.

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