SMM: social media advertising as business promotion

The development of social media has reached a global scale, opening up endless business opportunities. It is where hundreds of millions of people spend an impressive part of their time, so you can communicate directly with a large target audience — get in touch with it, advertise your products or services, answer questions, and receive feedback.

Thus, the main task of the SMM team at DMark is to set up communication and make it as successful as possible for both parties. For this, we:

  • Comprehensively study your project, business, and a specific service or product;
  • Professionally develop an SMM strategy;
  • Bring everything planned to life, guaranteeing results.

Why does business need social media?

SMM services
  • Brand promotion on social media. Using this channel, you can quickly introduce your target audience (TA) to your company and its product, as well as increase awareness of and trust in your company and brand.
  • Store promotion on social media. This allows you to increase TA traffic at online stores and direct the customer flow to offline stores.
  • Comprehensive promotion on social media. SMM is an opportunity to show your services and products to millions of people at minimal cost and significantly increase sales in a short time. Again, it is important to apply a comprehensive approach — use several options of advertising campaigns, use various tools, and promote on different platforms and social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, etc.). By the way, SMM on social media works well with SEO and PPC.
  • High-speed feedback. Social media enables you to communicate with your target customers, identify their needs, make them a profitable offer, and, as a result, receive feedback on the quality of your products and services in the form of reviews.
  • Hit the target. Targeted advertising on social media allows you to show your products and services to those who need them at low cost. This means you don’t pay for vain impressions, but get a maximum of orders at a minimum cost. If you think your potential customers are not on social media, we recommend that you still use SMM and, in particular, Target SMM. This advertising effectiveness surprises and satisfies even convinced skeptics.
  • Website promotion in search engines. Going to a website from social media is part of search engine promotion. Google not only reads such clicks but also studies the behavior of visitors on websites. So, since advertising on social media involves a wide reach of the target audience, those who are truly interested in your products and services will go to the website. The search engine will find your website more useful and rank it higher.

Benefits of social media for businesses

Advertising on social media brings your company recognition and trust and significantly increases sales. At the same time, compared with many other advertising channels, SMM often has a faster and higher payback. Besides, the prices for SMM are very affordable.

Where to start selling on social media?

The decisive answer is to find experts! So, if you visit our website and want to know how to increase sales through social media, then you have come to the right place. We not only know the answer to this question but do it with the highest KPI.

What is the cost of SMM services?

Cost of SMM services

It is impossible to explain how much advertising on social media costs using one or a few figures; it depends on many factors:

  • How many and which social media will be involved;
  • The weekly number of posts;
  • Whether a project needs the support of a content manager, a copywriter, or a designer;
  • The size of your target audience;
  • The level of competition in your business area and the competitiveness of your offer;
  • The minimum advertising budget you can allocate to SMM (the bigger the budget, the more dynamic the advertising campaign and the higher the results are).

Therefore, we estimate the price for SMM services individually after agreeing on all the above points. In many cases, when promoting a business on social media, the cost of one target customer is lower compared to other advertising channels. Our SMM expert will determine the most suitable advertising channel and estimate the advertising budget by studying your area, the needs of your target audience and business, and your potential offer.

In any case, the cost of SMM services our agency provides will surprise you – our prices are transparent and competitive. You can get the rates from the manager.

Seven reasons to order SMM services from our agency

  1. Your project will be assigned not just to one SMM professional, but to a team of designers, copywriters, story makers, content creators, influencer marketers, etc.
  2. We carefully monitor changes in the algorithms of social media systems, adapt to new contexts, and always achieve our goals.
  3. Our experts use only modern and professional software and marketing services and constantly study new trends and social activity.
  4. We thoroughly study the target audience and select the most effective custom methods of promotion on social media, which ensures a positive result.
  5. Before launching an advertising campaign, we develop a strategy for promoting and maintaining the page, make a content plan, and brand an account. After that, we create and test offers (options of advertising offers for your products and services) to determine the most effective ones.
  6. We have dozens of successful SMM advertising campaigns on social media in absolutely different areas of business. All of them have had high KPIs and positive feedback from our satisfied clients. The promotion will be consistent under any circumstances, and even force majeure.
  7. It is always better to entrust the promotion of projects to one agency, while a comprehensive advertising approach enables you to achieve maximum results. Whether you need to maintain your Instagram profile or promote your business on various online advertising channels — we will be your reliable partner.

Don’t forget about the most popular promotion methods

  1. Advertising on Reels Instagram. Advertising on Reels allows brands and businesses to reach audiences through creative and noticeable video content. Ads can be posted on the Reels feed, where users can easily view, like, and comment on them.
  2. Promoting YouTube channels. While this direction is not new, it is quite effective. YouTube promotion can be one of the best decisions for your business. This also includes the promotion using YouTube Shorts — a method very similar to the above but with its specifics.
  3. TikTok promotion. The key factor for success here is unique and exciting original content. Keep the viewer’s attention, and the platform’s algorithms will be favorable to you.
  4. Influence-marketing is the native advertising and promotion of brand services and products using the influence of opinion leaders on the target audience. Among other things, we connect brands and opinion leaders and arrange native advertising for businesses.

Would you like to see this for yourself?

Did you have a negative experience trying to promote your business on social media? Don’t worry. We will audit your advertising campaigns and profiles to find out and eliminate the issues and get the most out of advertising.

It is simple to order promotion on social media — fill out a request and get a free consultation today, and our marketing agency will increase interest in your company and the customer flow on a turnkey basis!

Elementary Standard Advanced

Audit of current sites and development of input data

Primary audit есть есть есть
Competition Analysis нет есть есть
Development of a content matrix нет есть есть
Content plan development нет есть есть
Comprehensive update or strategy creation нет нет есть

Development/maintenance of social platforms

Optimization and profile settings есть есть есть
Creation and publication of posts, up to 4 есть нет нет
Creation and publication of 2-3 posts per week, two of which are in Rils format нет есть есть
Creation and publication of stories, up to 4 pcs. есть нет нет
Creation and publication of stories, 1-2 pcs. per day or more нет есть есть
Creation and publication of short posts in threads, twitter format нет нет есть
Mobile photography: receiving photo and video materials нет есть есть
Video production, professional filming нет нет есть

Setting up and developing advertising campaigns (AC)

Creating and setting up a Facebook Ads advertising account есть есть есть
Creating and setting up an advertising campaign (targeted advertising) есть есть есть
Maintenance and development of 1 RK with a minimum advertising budget есть нет нет
Maintenance and development of various types of control systems, up to 3 pcs. нет есть нет
Maintenance and development of various types of RCs, more than 3 pcs. нет нет есть
Creation of advertising banners, 1-2 pcs. нет есть нет
Creation of advertising offers for comprehensive promotion нет нет есть
Setting up retargeting advertising campaigns нет есть есть


200 у.е. 300 у.е. from 500 у.е.
Order Order Order

The final price will be determined after setting the task and preliminary audit

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