Newsletters May

Инфоприводы. Май

Do you want to captivate your subscribers with interesting content, have a reason to please the client with a promotion, a special offer? Then read on.

Using newsbreaks every month, you will not only diversify your feed or the client’s feed, but will also be in trend, prepare the material in advance, make it more creative and interesting for the reader.

Significant dates for May:

  • May 1 – Spring and Labor Day
  • May 3 is World Press Freedom Day
  • May 8 is International Day of the Red Cross
  • May 8 – 9 – Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation
  • May 14 is Mother’s Day
  • May 15 – International Day of Families
  • May 20 – Science Day
  • May 21 – Day of youth and children’s public organizations

This is only a small part of the general list of holidays for May. There are about 35 of them in total, so depending on your niche, there is always a reason to prepare a post and make it interesting. Choose the most suitable topics for yourself and interest your subscribers.

One of the interesting ways to use this method is that a fish and meat company can prepare an interesting creative for May 2nd about tuna. As it turned out, “tuna day” is celebrated on this day, interesting, isn’t it? On this day, you can offer customers a discount on tuna from the farm in support of the wild tuna population.

As you can see, there is no limit to your creativity.

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