The case of developing a one-page website for ES Logistic

The case of developing a one-page website for ES Logistic
The case of developing a one-page website for ES Logistic

Client: Ukraine-UK freight transport services company ES Logistic (

Business area: Services

Service: Web developmentа

Objective: Create a landing page.

Client’s task: Develop a one-page website or a landing page for the company transporting freight between Ukraine and the UK.

Initial data

The client requested to develop a one-page website for their company. Before creating the landing page, we worked through all the client data: basic information, service description, main points, and USP (unique selling proposition).

Search for solutions

🔶 We analyzed the main ES Logistic competitors in the Ukrainian and international freight transport markets.

🔶 We collected a semantic core for search advertising by key phrases (contextual advertising).

🔶 We drew up specifications for the business card website design and development.

🔶 Naming: we chose a company name.

🔶 We developed a logo.

🔶 We performed landing page prototyping and agreed on the schematic structure with the client.


🔶 We worked through dozens of options for company names and settled on the most optimal one — ES Logistic.

🔶 We developed a memorable logo in a minimalist style.

🔶 We implemented adaptive design and the basic rules of usability and the brand book.

🔶 We performed layout and programming (coding).

🔶 We set up hosting for the correct landing page display and visibility on the network.

🔶 We integrated with CRM via feedback forms.

🔶 We filled the landing page with high-quality text and visual content.

🔶 We optimized the website taking into account the previously collected semantic core.

🔶 We connected the Landing Page to Google Analytics to track traffic and user behavior on the website.

🔶 We indexed the landing page so that search engines could see it.


🔶 The one-page site was developed on the WordPress platform with the possibility of subsequent functionality refinement and expansion.

🔶 The website has a laconic design; all blocks are placed organically so that users find the necessary information easily.

🔶 The landing page is in Ukrainian and English as clients from Ukraine and the UK will use it.

Development of a one-page website for ES Logistic
Разработка одностраничного сайта для ES Logistic
Разработка одностраничного сайта для ES Logistic
Разработка одностраничного сайта для ES Logistic
Разработка одностраничного сайта для ES Logistic
Разработка одностраничного сайта для ES Logistic
Разработка одностраничного сайта для ES Logistic
Разработка одностраничного сайта для ES Logistic

As a result of the work done, we got a high-quality one-page website, created for two language versions with organic placement of blocks. We also implemented the addition of cases with completed work.

If you also need an up-to-date selling landing page, just contact a DMark expert via the website feedback form.

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