Client: Grantye auditing firm (grantye.com)
Industry: Economics and business
Service: Web development
Objective: Develop the business card website
Client’s task: Create the business card website for the audit firm considering the requirements of government agencies and multilingualism
Initial data:
The company provided us with its logo and a basic description of the desired website structure. We showed examples of other websites and examined the government agency’s design requirements we had to rely on.
Search for solutions:
First, we studied competitors online, created design specifications, and completed prototyping.
🔶 Frontend-разработчик создал страницы сайта с учетом адаптивности, кроссбраузерности, с высоким уровнем юзабилити в CMS WordчPress.
🔶 The frontend developer created the website pages considering adaptability, cross-browser compatibility, and a high level of usability in the CMS WordPress.
🔶 We performed some programming and backend configuration.
🔶 We created specifications for the copywriter, who, in turn, created the content from scratch.
🔶 We tested the functionality and eliminated any flaws.
🔶 We launched the website and provided instructions on how to use it.
As a result, we got a simple, yet pleasant and reliable website suitable for the area. We also created an interesting “About the Team” page, which is important for the business card website. The web resource has passed control for compliance with the government requirements. Regarding behavioral indicators, users are well versed in the website structure, that is, high usability.
If you also need to create a business card website considering special requirements, send us a request, and our professionals will advise you.