Client: Manicure products online store (megan.com.ua)
Business area: Beauty industry
Service: SMM, SEO, PPC, web development
Objective: Develop a strategy, comprehensive online advertising, website upgrade and technical support.
Client’s task: Develop an Internet development strategy. Create a step-by-step work plan to increase the company’s visibility in the beauty industry. Prepare a website and social platforms for implementing the strategy.
Initial data
New company supplying equipment and materials for manicure, pedicure, depilation, and paraffin therapy. The client provided a website created on a self-written PHP platform, in a very poor condition. There were no social media platforms. There was a brand book and logo, as well as the source code of the website’s web design.
Search for solutions
We performed the detailed analysis of the provided product catalog and source data. We analyzed competition in the niche of the nail industry and instrumental cosmetology.
We performed the technical audit of the website code and the state of its administrative panel, which showed an extremely poor state of the website.
🔶 We made a step-by-step action plan aimed at finalizing and creating web sites. We performed their correct optimization for subsequent promotion.
🔶 We identified the main segments of the target audience (TA) and selling points based on the agreed USP (competitive advantages).
🔶 The created semantic core allowed us to correctly build a strategy for SEO promotion and PPC.
🔶 We made a forecast for marketing indicators for the next 6 months of promotion.
🔶 We involved experienced PHP programmers to upgrade website and correct errors found during the technical audit. To improve the website content and design, we used agreed prototypes and requirements, taking into account the specifics of the target audience and USP.
After 6 months of promotion plan implementation, we achieved the results that exceeded the marketing plan by 35%. The best result was shown by the SEO tool, which allowed the website to receive stable sales traffic for target queries in the future.

If you also need to develop a strategy for comprehensive Internet promotion, submit a request for a consultation, and our Internet marketers will help you.