
The case of developing a landing page for AXIOMA ENERGY LTD

The case of developing a landing page for AXIOMA ENERGY LTD
Case of landing page development for AXIOMA ENERGY LTD

Client: Distributor of solar equipment manufacturers AXIOMA ENERGY LTD (axioma.energy)

Business area: Manufacturing

Service: Web development

Objective: Create a website

Client’s task: Develop a business card website and a landing page for European countries; develop a website to present and promote the company’s products and services; collect targeted applications (leads) for the sale of products.

Geo: Europe

Initial data:

The company provided the brand name, logo, and basic company information.

Search for solution

We studied the competition and developed specifications::

🔶 We studied the target audience;

🔶 We determined competitive advantages;

🔶 We selected software solutions, style, and website structure.


🔶 We created a prototype website – a one-page company business card website with landing page elements.

🔶 We created website pages.

🔶 We integrated the website pages into the WordPress CMS.

🔶 We performed partial programming, and configured the administrative panel and backend settings.

🔶 We filled the website with visual and text content.

🔶 We tested functionality.

🔶 We published and connected the website indexation in the Google search system.


The result was a proper, multilingual company business card website for European countries.

Лендинг AXIOMA
Лендинг AXIOMA
Лендинг AXIOMA
Лендинг AXIOMA
Лендинг AXIOMA
Лендинг AXIOMA
Лендинг AXIOMA

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