7 Deadly Sins of a Blogger

7 смертных грехов блогера

Almost everyone makes these mistakes, especially in the early days. So if you want to become a truly successful and popular opinion leader, avoid them!

The Main Mistakes of Beginning Bloggers


You don’t have a clear schedule of posts; you don’t want to write interesting and useful texts; you don’t have time to respond to subscribers’ comments. Well, you are unlikely to achieve any success.


You miss deadlines; you don’t get in touch with clients and partners; you go on vacation without fulfilling your obligations first; you don’t read the terms and conditions carefully; and you generally manage the account sloppily. Your loss! Blogging is the same job as thousands of others, so treat it responsibly.


You want everything at once, but it doesn’t happen like that – winning an audience takes time. You should increase efforts, create good content, and support like-minded bloggers. And then it will yield fruits with time. And yes, it can take a year or even more.


You need to give more than you get on social media. Therefore, get-rich-quick schemes do not work here, because they encourage you to take something, while you should do quite the opposite.


You write unpleasant comments under the other bloggers’ posts, lure their clients, and spread rumors. Do you think this will help you achieve success quickly? Don’t even hope to, as by playing dirty tricks on others, you simply put yourself in an impartial light and no one will want to do business with you again.


Instead of posting interesting posts with useful information, you complain about the burden of life. Believe me; it is not interesting to anyone except your mother and your cat. Therefore, either change the content or stop doing things that are not close to you.

🔸Poor manners

You write with mistakes because you think you are not in the class of language and literature; you interrupt a client at a personal meeting; you impose your opinion.

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