Barter Cooperation

Сотрудничество по бартеру

Barter has been a popular method of budget-free promotion on Instagram for a long time. Mentioning in an account in exchange for products gives meaningful results. However, experts consider this method ambiguous.

On the one hand, this allows the owner of a commercial account to save costs. This is particularly important for start-up companies, whose budgets do not involve advertising. In addition, this is a great opportunity to get feedback from an industry influencer since the audience always listens to and trusts them.

On the other hand, when a blogger takes a barter, he or she does not always show ownership of the advertising. Failures to meet the deadline and the low-quality content are quite frequent.

It happens that the advertiser does not take such cooperation very seriously or counts only on a good review, regardless of the true opinion on the product.

These are the tasks we solve: we help bloggers and companies avoid misunderstandings, conduct successful barter deals and control the quality of each party’s work.

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