A newsworthy event is an event that can interest and attract both subscribers and new audiences. It can be a holiday, a social event, a sensational news story, or something interesting from your personal experience, like an excursion or participation in a flash mob.
How to find a news hook for situational marketing?
It’s easy to find a newsworthy event. Open any news portal to find the most discussed news, or simply check the calendar – it is a real treasure trove. Don’t limit yourself to New Year or International Women’s Day. Pay attention to more specific, but no less interesting holidays – World Shopping Day, International Jazz Day, World Olive Day…

Often even SMM specialists forget about interesting and nice regional events. Rescuers rescued a cat from a tree? Write about it, raising the degree of cuteness of your blog.
You can use newsworthy events in various ways.
✔️Share your expert opinion.
✔️Launch a thematic promotion or competition.
✔️️Congratulate the audience and invite them to comment on a holiday.
✔️Make a meme on a relevant topic.
✔️️Play up the release of a new product or service or the new point of sale opening.
This situational content allows you to attract a new audience and spark the interest of “sleeping” subscribers, but create and promote it very quickly!