Psychological techniques that encourage consumers to make certain decisions are called triggers.
When used correctly, especially by targeters and PPC specialists, they become a kind of hook that a person’s emotions cling to. This pushes you to take an action: subscribe, buy something, make a phone call, and so on.
We talked about the most effective triggers 👇
Shortage or deadline
The client sees that there is little product left or the discount time is running out. He is carried away by the fear of not having time to take advantage of a lucrative offer.

One of the most effective triggers. It is necessary to emphasize the personal benefits that your client will receive. Discounts and sales are used.

Everyone strives to have something unique. So that it’s not like others.
This way you can use limited editions, exclusive prices, only for regular customers.

You can share reviews from clients and influencers. Show correspondence with satisfied and even potential customers interested in your product.

Crowd effect
A person is made to feel that he is the only one who has not yet bought this or that thing. There is a feeling that he remained “off topic”.

So, if used correctly, triggers can influence even skeptical customers. We advise you not to forget to integrate it into your content.